Books About Fools & Folly — Part I: Fool’s History
“I Want to Know Everything about Jesters and Fools!” Well, that’s an impossible mission, but you can start reading these works.
In chronological order. Some of them sadly do not have an English edition. The earlier works focus mainly in western medieval and renaissance European fools, the later analyse social and psycological aspects of the fool and his presence in many other times and societies around the world.
First part of “Books About Fools & Folly” series. Part II: Folly on the Stage / Part III: Fool’s Literature
Geschichte Der Hofnarren (1789)
“The History of the Court Fools” by Karl Friedrich Flögel, German Edition
The History of Court Fools (1858)
by John Doran, English Edition
You can find this beautiful first edition, in a rare red stamped cloth hardcover with decorative gilt, at some public libraries as: The Ringling Art Library, Oxford University Library, Florida State University Strozier Library and Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich.
Les Jongleurs en France au Moyen-Âge (1910)
“Jugglers In France In The Middle Ages” by Edmond Faral, French Edition
Also from the same author: Mimes français du XIIIe siècle: contribution à l’histoire du théâtre comique au moyen âge (1910)
Bobos na Corte (1923)
“Fools at the Court” by Conde de Sabugosa, Portuguese Edition
Fools and Folly During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (1932)
by Barbara Swain, English Edition
The Fool: His Social and Literary History (1935)
by Enid Welsford, English Edition
Folie et déraison: histoire de la folie a l’age classique (1961)
“Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason” by Michel Foucault, French Edition
Wesen Und Wandlung der Narrenidee in Zeitalter des Humanismus — Brant — Murner — Erasmus (1966)
“Nature and transformation of the fool’s idea in the age of humanism” by Barbara Konneker, German Edition
The Fool and His Scepter: A Study in Clowns and Jesters and Their Audience (1969)
by William Willeford, English Edition
(Article) Iconographical Notes towards a Definition of the Medieval Fool (1974)
by D. J. Gifford. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes — Vol. 37 (1974), pp. 336–342 (9 pages) — Published By: The Warburg Institute.
Le Sceptre et la Marotte — Histoire des Fous de Cour (1983)
“The Scepter and the Cap — The History of Court Fools” by Maurice Lever (French Edition)
A Social History of the Fool (1984)
by Sandra Billington (English Edition)
(Article) The Fool and His Loaf (1985)
by R. A. Neale. Medium Ævum — Vol. 54, №1 (1985), pp. 104–109 (6 pages) — Published By: Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature
La Folie au Moyen Age XI-XIII siècles (1991)
by Muriel Laharie (French Edition)
Le Discours du fou au Moyen Âge — XIIe-XIIIe siècles: étude comparée des discours littéraire, médical, juridique et théologique de la folie (1992)
“The Fool’s Speech in the Middle Ages — 12th-13th Centuries: comparative study of literary, medical, legal and theological discourses of folly” by Jean-Marie Fritz (French Edition)
Mock Kings in Medieval Society and Renaissance Drama (1991)
by Sandra Billington (English Edition)
Fools and Jesters at the English Court (1998)
by John Southworth (English Edition)
Fools and Jesters — Literature, Art and History (1998)
by Vicki K. Janik (English Edition)
Histoire du rire et de la dérision (2000)
“History of Laught and Mockery” by Georges Minois (French Edition)
Fools Are Everywhere — The Court Jesters Around The World (2001)
by Beatrice K. Otto (English Edition)
Nice research about fool’s in different times and societies around the world. Great focus on Chinese fools.
(Article) Fous du roi et roi fou. Quelle place eurent les fous à la cour de Charles VI? (2002)
by Bernard Guenée. Comptes rendus des séances de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres — 146ᵉ année, №2 (2002), pp. 649–666
Fools and idiots? — Intellectual disability in the Middle Ages (2016)
by Irina Metzler (English Edition)
Four Fools in the Age of Reason: Laughter, Cruelty, and Power in Early Modern Germany — Studies in Early Modern German History (2019)
by Dorinda Outram (English Edition)